Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mourning in the Evening, Marathon, Brewster Co.

**first fall Common Yellowthroat, more later.** 11:16 pm - MWY

**Confusing fall warbler identification currently being discussed.** 10:36 pm - MWY

Mourning Warbler
Brewster Co.
PM of 9 October 2012

There have been at least 6 accidental records for this species in the trans-Pecos region.
None of which occurred later than late-August. (Birds of the Trans-Pecos, K.B.Bryan, 2002)

The above statement is in motion.  Not static.  We'll find out more, hopefully, and revise.

Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia), immature, likely female

All of these photos are taken in low-light from this evening.  This bird was first seen foraging in the 6-foot tall globe mallow (Mallow-Zilla) that has hosted several warblers this summer - fall.  We anticipate it hosting many more.
Our little patch is "overgrown" with globe mallow,  cowpen daisy, etc.  Lots of butterflies and moths in all stages of life.  Lots to see for Lepidoptera-enthusiasts.  Lots to snack for insectivores migrating or coming home.

There is a nice tangle of allthorn and other shrubby vegetation near a slow drip.  The elaborate drip set up is an old garden hose.

Below is a rendition of a map depicting the range of the Mourning Warbler:

It is incredible to think that this bird, hatched from a nest in ... say Alberta, Canada, made it all the way down to this rectangle patch of high-desert called Marathon.  

Looking at this map, it is also satisfying to think that before it flies off to winter in Panama or further south that it found a quality pit stop.  Shelter, food, just a bit of water in abundance; well, at least shelter and food.

"Man, you two, your yard is really getting overgrown"


It only took two years for it to recover.

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